Secrets Of Prachi Desai: Revealing Her Fitness Mantra

Prachi Desai, mirror

Secrets Of Prachi Desai: Revealing Her Fitness Mantra
Remember the cute Sakshi of ‘Rock On’? A TV soap and a dance reality show later, the suave Prachi Desai plunged into films. While her chaste beauty has fetched her many admirers, those who know her well also envy her fitness mantra. On screen, Prachi flaunts an hourglass figure but very few of her fans are aware of the hard work which goes into it. Prachi is conscious about her body and takes due care to keep it healthy and glowing.

Speaking to the tabloid, Prachi reveals that she is blessed with a naturally fit body and does not have to work hard to stay in shape. However, she has a few of her own fashion mantras which she follows religiously. Prachi begins her day by consuming honey and lukewarm water which not just refreshes her body but also rejuvenates her skin.

Another of her secret she shares with us is that she looks good because she feels good. She reveals that she does not keep a strict count on her calories but lives life with a positive attitude. Positivity and happiness help her look good and glowing.

Prachi may not be a fitness freak like someone like Bipasha Basu but follows some traditional routes to ensure a glowing skin. She uses oxygen cream, aloe vera and turmeric on her face. She also consumes 3-4 litres of water every day and is a regular drinker of coconut juice. Prachi also cautions us against the harmful effects of junk food. She herself stays away from junk stuff and consumes lots of fresh vegetables. She is also a staunch advocate of yoga and practices it unfailingly every morning.

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10 Fitness Mantras You Need In Your Life Right Now
#1 I Do Not Need to Be (or feel) Perfect to Have a Great Workout Today
You’re not going to feel motivated or energized to workout every day. It’s just not possible as a human being. Some days your body will need the rest (we are big proponents of rest days). But, if it’s your mind telling you to poop out on your workout plans, show yourself some grace and try your best to get in some exercise anyway.

#2 I Love My Body and Want to Give it What it Needs
It’s so important to remember that exercising is an act of self-love. The more of it you have for yourself, the more likely you are to stick to your goals. Our bodies naturally want to move, so show yourself some love by working up a sweat!

#3 All I Need to Do is Start, The Rest Will Come
This is one of our go-to fitness mantras on days where you may feel like blowing your workout off. But, just know that sometimes the hardest part is just starting.

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Our mind races forward to the middle of our workout and doubts if we’ll be able to push through or last as long as we’d like.

Rein it those thoughts, sisters and brothers! Just focus on starting and let your mind catch up with your body.

#4 I Strive For Progress, Not Perfection
It’s simply inhuman to be perfect and trying to reach perfection is totally unmotivating. However, thinking about all the progress you’ve made and/or are going to make will get you jumping out of bed, motivated to crush another workout.

#5 I’m Doing This For Me
There’s nothing more motivating than feeling like you are the reason for your goals. Knowing you always have your own back and are rooting for yourself is more powerful than you realize.

So get up and sweat it out for YOU — your strength, health, happiness, and peace!

#6 I Will Not Let My Mind Hold My Body Back
Our mind can be our biggest frenemy. It thinks it’s doing us a favor, but sometimes our thoughts come out of habit to try and stand in our way.

Feed your brain with this positive fitness mantra, and it’ll start to learn it’s not always the boss of you.

#7 I Find Comfort in The Discomfort Knowing This is The Start of My Transformation
Exercise is not comfortable by nature, and that’s why we love it! To build strength or endurance, you’re going to need to strap on your big girl/boy boots and push yourself out of your comfort zone.

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Of course, you always want to listen to your body to prevent injuries. But learning to love the burn will help you reach your fitness goals that much quicker.

#8 I Am Going to Feel Amazing After This Workout
The gratification, euphoria, and yummy, healthy meal that comes after a workout are seriously the best. Focusing on the end result can be super powerful if being present in your workout is more difficult or you need an extra boost to push through one more set.

#9 I Can Trust Myself Because I Follow Through With My Commitments
Kick your subconscious self-doubting thoughts to the curb! If you’ve tried and tried again to stick to a workout regimen, this one’s for you. This fitness mantra will help rewire your brain so you can start reaching the goals you crave.

#10 I’ve Got This!
Sometimes you just need a quick reminder that you are capable of whatever you put your mind to, and this mantra has all of that wrapped up into three short words. Boom!
25 Jun 2012 –

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